OriCure All-Stars Wiki
バーナバス Baanabasu
Gender Male
Eye Color Gray
Hair Color Black, red
Home Place Unknown (future time period)
First Appearance SPCT02
Japanese Voice Actor Kunihiro Kawamoto

Barnabas is Kaori Kurenai's mascot partner, who had come from a timeline in the future to help her fight the Neo-Fangires in the present.


Fleeing from the Future[]

Life With Kaori[]


Kurenai Kaori -- Despite his abrasive demeanor, Barnabas does genuinely mean well when he and Kaori interact; he wants to be rid of the Neo-Fangires as much as she does, and he will often worry for her own safety when the going gets too tough.

Esumi Hibari --

Kivat-bat the 3rd -- Because Kivat had expected a member of his own race to aid Kaori, the two share a bitter rivalry of sorts, often devolving into insult-slinging. Kaori and Wataru both find this irritating, the former moreso since she dislikes family fights, and because Kivat was around longer in her life.


Barnabas: Barnabas takes his name from Barnabas Collins, one of the characters in the 1960s soap opera Dark Shadows (which also received a film adaptation in 2012, and where Collins is the central protagonist.)

